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All league volunteers must register here, and be subjected to a background check administered by JD Pallatine.

Please register below during open registration windows.

If registration is closed, you can still register by logging into your account, selecting "my account," and selecting "volunteer" in your account menu.

Volunteer Opportunities

Register Now

Spring 2025 Season

Team Manager (Head Coach) 
Coach of Record (Asst. Coach) 
Field Captain and Maintenance Volunteer
Bench Parent 
Umpire (13-17 yrs old)
Umpire (18 yrs and over) 
Other General Volunteer

Volunteering with FCKLL

Why Should I Volunteer?

Volunteers are the backbone of FCKLL, and help create not only special opportunities for our players, but an amazing community. It takes over 100 volunteers a year to keep the league running smoothly. Endless opportunities exist, regardless of whether you have baseball experience or not.  Preparing today's youth to be tomorrow's leaders requires a devoted group of adult volunteers. We are always looking for responsible and enthusiastic individuals to support and coordinate events and activities. As a volunteer, you should have a keen interest in the safety, well-being, and overall development of children. 

Who Can Volunteer?

Anyone can apply to become a volunteer. Any community member who wishes to become a volunteer may apply. Parents of children involved in FCKLL are strongly encouraged to volunteer. Please note that when you apply to become a volunteer, you must participate in a required background check.

To volunteer, fill out the volunteer form while registering the upcoming season or register above.

Who Do We Need?

Team Managers, Assistant Coaches (Coaches of Record), Field Captains, Event and Fundraising Volunteers, Graphic Artists, Concessions Staff, and many other roles are needed. For those interested in Board of Directors Roles, open roles are found here.

Volunteering for Coaching Roles?

Applying for a coaching role is treated as an application and expression of interest, not a guarantee, and is subject to league/division size, and available positions.  The league may screen or interview coaching candidates to determine experience and fit, to ensure our players have an educational and fun experience. Please note that even if you are not selected as a coach, most coaches need additional help, and you can apply to be a bench coach or otherwise help with practices and games.



Falls Church Kiwanis Little League
P.O. Box 6612 
Falls Church, Virginia 22040

Email: [email protected]

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